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Bubble Liquid

Not just soap and water, glycerin creates a moisturising protective layer that slows the evaporation process leading to longer lived bubbles. It's as good as the stuff from the store, I make my own to keep plastic waste down.


  • 1 litre Hot water (1000ml for those looking for ratios)
  • 250 ml Washing up liquid/Dish detergent (Dawn in the US, Fairy in the UK seem to be the favourites)

Either (these are in order of my personal preference)

  • 60 ml Glycerine double this if you use ultra or concentrated dish detergent


  • 240 ml light corn syrup double this if you use ultra or concentrated dish detergent - I haven't tried this one yet.


  • 200 g Sugar double this if you use ultra or concentrated dish detergent - I haven't tried this one yet.


  • Gently mix all ingredients making as few suds as possible.
  • Let sit for 24 hours for best bubbly results.


I've put all the measurements as ml so it can be easily scaled to the bubble containers on hand.  
Keyword bubbles